Fork Differences
Copyright (c) 2024 Gothic 2 Online Team
Gothic 2 Online modification uses modified Squirrel version with some new features and changes added to it. The original language did lack some functionallity, hence why it was extended to better fit modern standards. Some changes might affect the compatibility with original language.
New features
local class expression is now supported
New functionallity
geterrorhandler function
getdefaultdelegate function
getstacktop function (used for debugging only)
getstacksize function (used for debugging only)
min function
max function
clamp function
round function
random function
randomseed function method
file.write method method
blob.write method
blob.tostring method
thread.acall method
regexp.captureall method
regexp modern engine support via C++ STL regex library used under the hood
regexp capture methods support optional groups by returning null in array results