4.2. Compiler
SQRESULT sq_compile(HSQUIRRELVM v, HSQLEXREADFUNC read, SQUserPointer p, const SQChar *sourcename, SQBool raiseerror)
- Parameters:
v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM
read (HSQLEXREADFUNC) – a pointer to a read function that will feed the compiler with the program.
p (SQUserPointer) – a user defined pointer that will be passed by the compiler to the read function at each invocation.
sourcename (SQChar*) – the symbolic name of the program (used only for more meaningful runtime errors)
raiseerror (SQBool) – if this value is true the compiler error handler will be called in case of an error
- Returns:
a SQRESULT. If the sq_compile fails nothing is pushed in the stack.
- Remarks:
in case of an error the function will call the function set by sq_setcompilererrorhandler().
compiles a squirrel program; if it succeeds, push the compiled script as function in the stack.
SQRESULT sq_compilebuffer(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SQChar *s, SQInteger size, const SQChar *sourcename, SQBool raiseerror)
- Parameters:
v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM
s (SQChar*) – a pointer to the buffer that has to be compiled.
size (SQInteger) – size in characters of the buffer passed in the parameter ‘s’.
sourcename (SQChar*) – the symbolic name of the program (used only for more meaningful runtime errors)
raiseerror (SQBool) – if this value true the compiler error handler will be called in case of an error
- Returns:
a SQRESULT. If the sq_compilebuffer fails nothing is pushed in the stack.
- Remarks:
in case of an error the function will call the function set by sq_setcompilererrorhandler().
compiles a squirrel program from a memory buffer; if it succeeds, push the compiled script as function in the stack.
void sq_enabledebuginfo(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQBool enable)
- Parameters:
v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM
enable (SQBool) – if true enables the debug info generation, if == 0 disables it.
- Remarks:
The function affects all threads as well.
enable/disable the debug line information generation at compile time.
void sq_notifyallexceptions(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQBool enable)
- Parameters:
v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM
enable (SQBool) – if true enables the error callback notification of handled exceptions.
- Remarks:
By default the VM will invoke the error callback only if an exception is not handled (no try/catch traps are present in the call stack). If notifyallexceptions is enabled, the VM will call the error callback for any exception even if between try/catch blocks. This feature is useful for implementing debuggers.
enable/disable the error callback notification of handled exceptions.
void sq_setcompilererrorhandler(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQCOMPILERERROR f)
- Parameters:
v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM
f (SQCOMPILERERROR) – A pointer to the error handler function
- Remarks:
if the parameter f is NULL no function will be called when a compiler error occurs. The compiler error handler is shared between friend VMs.
sets the compiler error handler function