4.10. Debug interface

SQRESULT sq_getfunctioninfo(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQInteger level, SQFunctionInfo *fi)
  • v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM

  • level (SQInteger) – calls stack level

  • fi (SQFunctionInfo*) – pointer to the SQFunctionInfo structure that will store the closure informations




the member ‘funcid’ of the returned SQFunctionInfo structure is a unique identifier of the function; this can be useful to identify a specific piece of squirrel code in an application like for instance a profiler. this method will fail if the closure in the stack is a native C closure.


typedef struct tagSQFunctionInfo {
    SQUserPointer funcid; //unique idetifier for a function (all it's closures will share the same funcid)
    const SQChar *name; //function name
    const SQChar *source; //function source file name
void sq_setdebughook(HSQUIRRELVM v)
  • v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM


In order to receive a ‘per line’ callback, is necessary to compile the scripts with the line informations. Without line informations activated, only the ‘call/return’ callbacks will be invoked.

pops a closure from the stack an sets it as debug hook. When a debug hook is set it overrides any previously set native or non native hooks. if the hook is null the debug hook will be disabled.

void sq_setnativedebughook(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQDEBUGHOOK hook)
  • v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM

  • hook (SQDEBUGHOOK) – the native hook function


In order to receive a ‘per line’ callback, is necessary to compile the scripts with the line informations. Without line informations activated, only the ‘call/return’ callbacks will be invoked.

sets the native debug hook. When a native hook is set it overrides any previously set native or non native hooks. if the hook is NULL the debug hook will be disabled.

SQRESULT sq_stackinfos(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQInteger level, SQStackInfos *si)
  • v (HSQUIRRELVM) – the target VM

  • level (SQInteger) – calls stack level

  • si (SQStackInfos*) – pointer to the SQStackInfos structure that will store the stack informations



retrieve the calls stack informations of a ceratain level in the calls stack.