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Editing docs

The project uses the MkDocs docs generator.
The mkdocs allows you to create articles that are written using markdown.

Basic configuration

You should start from configuring the documentation info by editing docs/mkdocs.yml file

site_name: Squirrel Template Module - Docs # the name of the documentation site
repo_url: # the link that will be redirecting to your repo
repo_name: Squirrel Template Module # the repository name

To change the documentation logo, you have to replace docs/assets/logo.png file with your own.

Using docs locally

Installing python

It's also possible to setup the docs on your local pc, to do that, first, you need to install python.

Getting docsgenerator

Now, you should clone the docsgenerator into your/repo/path/docs/ directory.

Installing required python dependencies via pip

Next step involes installing required dependencies by the docs and docsgenerator.
Open up the command prompt and navigate to the your/repo/path/docs/ subfolder, and type the following commands:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
pip install -r docsgenerator/requirements.txt

Generating the documentation

In order to generate the special comments into actual .md articles, you need to run the docsgenerator:

python docsgenerator/ 0.1 ../src --builddir docs/script-reference --markdown
I highly recommend to put this command into docs/generate.bat file, since you'll propably be using it quite often.
You should run this script each time, you update the documentation comments inside your code.

Running the documentation

To start the mkdocs server, you need to type this commands:

Title mkdocs server
mkdocs serve
I highly recommend to put this command into docs/serve.bat file, since you'll propably be using it quite often.

Now with server running, you can access the documentation under this address:
You should also create a web shortcut for this domain for convenience in /docs/site.url.

Ignoring files in git

If you don't want to be bother with git detecting newly added files as a untracked changes, you can ignore them only for your repo, to do that, go to the your/repo/path/.git/info/ directory, and edit the exclude file located there, add the following lines:

