Hot reload
Gothic 2 Online supports dynamic reloading of scripts when scripters introduce new changes to specific .nut file and save it when server is running. Every script type supports this feature.
Script files doesn't have hot reloading feature enabled by default.
To enable it, you need to set reload
attribute to true
<script src="example.nut" type="client" reload="true" />
In order to reload a specific script, you just need to save your changes in your text editor.
There are some things that you need to be aware of when reloading a script:
- By default reloading a script will only remove every local data, like
, etc. - You as a scripter are responsible for cleaning up the things that aren't defined as local, a good example might be killing a timer, or unbinding the event handler
- Call setUnloadCallback in your scripts globally to bind a function that will be called before specific script gets unloaded (put your cleanup code there).
- Call setReloadCallback in your scripts globally when you need to initialize something when your script gets loaded (put your init code there, e.g: that gets also executed in onInit event).
- Every player that is connected to the server while client script gets reloaded will receive the updated version of the code.
- New players that will join a server will also download the updated client scripts containing modified code.
Code example
The following example demonstates how you can properly use hot reload callbacks to implement cleanup/init of your script.
local timer_id = -1
local function timer_func()
print("working... " + getTickCount())
// this function will be called when script gets initialized for the first time
// or when its reloaded
local function init()
timer_id = setTimer(timer_func, 1000, 0)
// this function will be called before script gets unloaded
local function cleanup()