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class Item extends Vob (client-side)

Available since version: 0.3.0

This class represents game item, which can be placed in the world or inventory.


Item(string instance)


  • string instance: the item instance from Daedalus scripts.


Item(userpointer ptr)


  • userpointer ptr: the pointer to the item from the game.


string instance

Represents the instance of the item instance from Daedalus scripts.

int idx

Represents the unique ID of the item (unused by the game).

string name

Represents the name of the item.

string nameID

Unused field by the game.

int hitp

Unused field by the game.

int max_hitp

Unused field by the game.

int mainflag

Represents the bitflag that describes the item category.

int flags

Represents the bitflag that describes the item sub-category & state.

int weight

Represents the weight of the item (unused by the game).

int value

Represents the value of the item.

int damageTypes

Represents the bitflag that describes the type of damage the item can inflict (applicable to weapons).

int wear

Represents how the item can be worn (applicable to armors).

int nutrition

Represents the healing value of the item (applicable to food).

int magic

Unused field by the game.

int owner

Represents the daedalus symbol index of the npc which owns the item (used by Game Scripts).

int ownerGuild

Represents the ID of the guild which owns the item (used by Game Scripts).

int disguiseGuild

Represents the ID of the guild which the item will disguise player as.

string file

Represents the file name of the item model.

string visual_change

Represents the file name of the .ASC model applied to player (applicable to armors).

string effectName

Represents the VFX instance of the effect rendered on the item.

int visual_skin

Represents the texture variation ID used by the model defined in visual_change property (applicable to armors).

string scemeName

Represents the possible state animation, which will be played by player on interaction with the item.

int material

Represents the material type which will determine the sound of the item related actions (collisions, weapon draw, etc).

int munition

Represents the daedalus symbol index of the munition item required by the item (applicable to ranged weapons).

int spell

Represents the daedalus symbol index of the spell casted by the item (applicable to runes & scrolls).

int range

Represents the range of the item (applicable to weapons).

int mag_circle

Represents the magic circle required by the item.

string description

Represents the description of the item.

int inv_zbias

Represents the z bias (Depth Bias) of rendered item model.

int inv_rotx

Represents the rotation of the rendered item on the x axis.

int inv_roty

Represents the rotation of the rendered item on the y axis.

int inv_rotz

Represents the rotation of the rendered item on the z axis.

int inv_animate

Represents the animation state of the rendered item.

int amount

Represents the amount of the item.



This method will get the item damage dealt by the specified damage type.

int getDamage(int damageType)


  • int damageType: the damage type (in range between [0, 7]).

Returns int:


This method will set the item damage dealth by the specified damage type.

void setDamage(int damageType, int damage)


  • int damageType: the damage type (in range between [0, 7]).
  • int damage: the damage dealt.


This method will get the protection offered by the item against the specified damage type.

int getProtection(int damageType)


  • int damageType: the damage type (in range between [0, 7]).

Returns int:


This method will set the protection offered by the item against the specified damage type.

void setProtection(int damageType, int protection)


  • int damageType: the damage type (in range between [0, 7]).
  • int protection: the protection offered.


This method will get the attribute type required to use the item.

int getCondAtr(int index)


  • int index: the index of the attribute in the condition list (in range between [0, 2]).

Returns int:


This method will set the attribute type required to use the item.

void setCondAtr(int index, int attributeType)


  • int index: the index of the attribute in the condition list (in range between [0, 2]).
  • int attributeType: the attribute type required.


This method will get the attribute value required to use the item.

int getCondValue(int index)


  • int index: the index of the value in the condition list (in range between [0, 2]).

Returns int:


This method will set the attribute value required to use the item.

void setCondValue(int index, int value)


  • int index: the index of the value in the condition list (in range between [0, 2]).
  • int value: the value required.


This method will get the attribute type of bonus added by using the item.

int getChangeAtr(int index)


  • int index: the index of the attribute in the bonus list (in range between [0, 2]).

Returns int:


This method will set the attribute type of bonus added by using the item.

void setChangeAtr(int index, int attributeType)


  • int index: the index of the attribute in the bonus list (in range between [0, 2]).
  • int attributeType: the attribute type of the bonus.


This method will get the attribute value of bonus added by using the item.

int getChangeValue(int index)


  • int index: the index of the value in the bonus list (in range between [0, 2]).

Returns int:


This method will set the attribute value of bonus added by using the item.

void setChangeValue(int index, int value)


  • int index: the index of the value in the bonus list (in range between [0, 2]).
  • int value: the value of the bonus.


This method will get the text at specified line that will be shown in inventory when selecting the item.

int getText(int index)


  • int index: the index of the text line (in range between [0, 5]).

Returns int:


This method will set the text at specified line that will be shown in inventory when selecting the item.

void setText(int index, string the)


  • int index: the index of the text line (in range between [0, 5]).
  • string the: line of text that will be set.


This method will get the count at specified line that will be shown in inventory when selecting the item.

int getCount(int index)


  • int index: the index of the text line (in range between [0, 5]).

Returns int:


This method will set the count at specified line that will be shown in inventory when selecting the item.

void setCount(int index, int the)


  • int index: the index of the text line (in range between [0, 5]).
  • int the: count that will be set.