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class RigidBody (client-side)

Available since version: 0.3.0

This class represents physics simulator.


float mass

Represents the mass of the rigid body.

float massInv (read-only)


The value for this field gets calculated each time you set a mass field.

Represents the inverse of mass of the rigid body.

Vec3 position

Represents the current position of the rigid body.

Vec3 velocity

Represents the current velocity of the rigid body.

Vec3 impulse (read-only)


The value for this field gets calculated each time you set a velocity field, or call applyImpulse.

Represents the current impulse (linear velocity) of the rigid body.

Vec3 force (read-only)

Represents the current force of the rigid body.

float gravityScale

Represents the gravity scale ratio that will be used while applying gravity on rigid body.

Vec3 slideDir (read-only)

Represents the currently used slide direction for rigid body.

float slideAngle (read-only)

Represents the currently used slide angle for rigid body.

bool gravityOn

Represents the field that controls whether or not gravity should affect the rigid body.

bool collisionHad (read-only)

Represents if collision had occured on rigid body.

int mode (read-only)

Represents the currently used physics mode by the rigid body. For more information see RigidBody Constants.



This method applies a additional force to a rigid body.

void applyForce(Vec3 force)


  • Vec3 force: the force direction.


This method applies a additional impulse to a rigid body.

void applyImpulse(Vec3 impulse)


  • Vec3 impulse: the impulse direction.