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class World (client-side)

Available since version: 0.2.0

This class represents game world.


string fileName

Represents full name of world file (with extension), placed into _Work/Data/Worlds.

string name

Represents name of world.

const zlistsort& vobs

Represents list of vobs available in selected world.

bool showWaynet

Enables debug information about waynet in selected world.

bool showZonesDebugInfo

Enables debug information about zones in selected world.



Available since version: 0.3.5

This method will load vobtree from a _Work/Data/Worlds directory and add it to current world.

userdata loadVobTree(string fileName)


  • string fileName: the name of the vobtree file, e.g ITLSTORCHBURNING.ZEN.

Returns userdata:

address the address of loaded parent vob from vobtree.


This method will search for vob by it's object name in selected world.

userdata searchVobByName(string objectName)


  • string objectName: the name of the vob object.

Returns userdata:

address the address of found vob.


This method will search for vobs with given object name in selected world.

array[userdata] searchVobListByName(string objectName)


  • string objectName: the name of the vob object.

Returns array[userdata]:

addresses the array of found vobs.



In order to detect collision with npc(s), you should pass these two flags: TRACERAY_VOB_BBOX | TRACERAY_VOB_IGNORE_NO_CD_DYN.

This method will cast a ray from origin point in direction, against all colliders specified by the flags and returns first intersection result.

null|TraceRayReport traceRayFirstHit(Vec3 origin, Vec3 direction, int flags)


  • Vec3 origin: the starting point of ray in world coordinates.
  • Vec3 direction: the direction of the ray.
  • int flags: the flags defining which colliders can ray intersect (e.g: poly, vob, npc, bbox). For more information see TraceRay Constants.

Returns null|TraceRayReport:

report containing results of ray intersection, or null on failure. For more information see TraceRayReport.



In order to detect collision with npc(s), you should pass these two flags: TRACERAY_VOB_BBOX | TRACERAY_VOB_IGNORE_NO_CD_DYN.

This method will cast a ray from origin point in direction, against all colliders specified by the flags and returns nearest intersection result.

null|TraceRayReport traceRayNearestHit(Vec3 origin, Vec3 direction, int flags)


  • Vec3 origin: the starting point of ray in world coordinates.
  • Vec3 direction: the direction of the ray.
  • int flags: the flags defining which colliders can ray intersect (e.g: poly, vob, npc, bbox). For more information see TraceRay Constants.

Returns null|TraceRayReport:

report containing results of ray intersection, or null on failure. For more information see TraceRayReport.