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function setPlayerVisual (server-side)

Available since version: 0.0.1

This function will set the player/npc visual for all players.


void setPlayerVisual(int id, string bodyModel, int bodyTxt, string headModel, int headTxt, int teethTxt = 0, int skinColor = 0)


  • int id: the player id.
  • string bodyModel: the name of the body model (ASC), e.g: HUM_BODY_NAKED0.
  • int bodyTxt: the numeric id of body texture file. Texture id can be read from V(number) filename part, for example, in this file: HUM_BODY_NAKED_V8_C0-C.TEX id is 8.
  • string headModel: the name of the head model (MMS), e.g: HUM_HEAD_PONY.
  • int headTxt: the numeric id of head texture file. Texture id can be read from V(number) filename part, for example, in this file: HUM_HEAD_V18_C0-C.TEX id is 18.
  • int teethTxt: the numeric id of teeth texture file. Texture id can be read from V(number) filename part, for example, in this file: HUM_TEETH_V2-C.TEX id is 2.
  • int skinColor: the color variant of head & body texture file. Color variant can be read from C(number) filename part, for example, in this file: HUM_BODY_NAKED_V1_C3-C.TEX color variant is 3.