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class Quat (shared-side)

Available since version: 0.2

This class represents quaternion.




No parameters.


Quat(float w)


  • float w: the initial value for w component, x, y, z components will be set to 0.


Quat(float x, float y, float z, float w)


  • float x: the initial value for x component.
  • float y: the initial value for y component.
  • float z: the initial value for z component.
  • float w: the initial value for w component.


float x

Represents the x component of the quaternion.

float y

Represents the y component of the quaternion.

float z

Represents the z component of the quaternion.

float w

Represents the w component of the quaternion.



This method will return rotation represented by the 3x3 matrix.

Mat3 toMat3()

Returns Mat3:

the 3x3 rotation matrix.


This method will set quaternion rotation from the 3x3 matrix rotation representation.

void fromMat3(Mat3 mat)


  • Mat3 mat: the 3x3 rotation matrix.


This method will return rotation represented by the 4x4 matrix.

Mat4 toMat4()

Returns Mat4:

the 4x4 rotation matrix.


This method will set quaternion rotation from the 4x4 matrix rotation representation.

void fromMat4(Mat4 mat)


  • Mat4 mat: the 4x4 rotation matrix.


This method will return rotation represented in euler angles (radians).

Vec3 toEuler()

Returns Vec3:

the vector that stores euler angles in radians.


This method will set quaternion rotation from the euler angles representation (radians).

void fromEuler(Vec3 vec)


  • Vec3 vec: the vector that stores euler angles in radians.


This method will return axis rotation as a Vec4.
The x,y,z components will be set to axis vector, while w will represent the angle in radians.

Vec4 toAxisAngle()

Returns Vec4:

the vector that stores axis + angle in radians.


This method will set quaternion rotation from the axis angle representation.

void fromAxisAngle(Vec3 axis, float angle)


  • Vec3 axis: the vector that represents the 3d axis.
  • float angle: the angle of the axis rotation in radians.


This method will set x, y, z, w components to the identity quaternion.

void makeIdentity()


This method will is used check whether the x, y, z, w components are set to identity quaternion.

bool isIdentity()

Returns bool:

true if quaternion components are set to identity quaternion, otherwise false.


This method will return the quaternion length. The length of the quaternion is square root of (x*x + y*y + z*z + w*w).

float len()

Returns float:

the squared length of the quaternion.


This method will get the squared quaternion length. The length of the quaternion is (x*x + y*y + z*z + w*w). Calculating the squared length instead of the len is much faster.

float len2()

Returns float:

the length of the vector.


This method will get the approximate quaternion length. The length of the quaternion is approximation square root of (x*x + y*y + z*z). This method is faster than len but less accurate.

float lenApprox()

Returns float:

the length of the quaternion.



Avoid normalizing a quaternion with length = 0.

This method will normalize the quaternion.
Normalizing a quaternion will cause it's length to be equal to 1. The orientation of the quaternion won't be affected.

Quat& normalize()

Returns Quat&:


This method will normalize the quaternion. It works almost exactly the same as normalize with the difference that zero length quaternion won't cause any issues.

Quat& normalizeSafe()

Returns Quat&:



Avoid normalizing a quaternion with length = 0.

This method will normalize the quaternion with small approximation. It works almost the same as normalize, but it's faster and less accurate. It uses the fast inverse square root algorithm as the base of calculating square root.

Quat& normalizeApprox()

Returns Quat&:


This method will set all of the quaternion components.

void set(float x, float y, float z, float w)


  • float x: the new quaternion x component.
  • float y: the new quaternion y component.
  • float z: the new quaternion z component.
  • float w: the new quaternion z component.


This method will return the inverse of rotation of the quaternion.

Quat inverse()

Returns Quat:

the inverted quaternion.


This method will return the conjugate of the quaternion.
The conjugated quaternion will have the x, y, z components negated from original quaternion.

Quat conjugate()

Returns Quat:

the conjugated quaternion.

static dot

This method will return the dot product between two quaternions.

float dot(Quat quat1, Quat quat2)


  • Quat quat1: the quaternion that will be used in dot operation.
  • Quat quat2: the quaternion that will be used in dot operation.

Returns float:

the dot product.

static lerp

This method will return interpolated quaternion between quaternions a and b by ratio t.

Quat lerp(float t, Quat q1, Quat q2)


  • float t: interpolation ratio.
  • Quat q1: the quaternion used in lerp operation.
  • Quat q2: the quaternion used in lerp operation.

Returns Quat:

the lerp quaternion result.

static slerp

This method will spherically interpolate between quaternions a and b by ratio t.

Quat slerp(float t, Quat q1, Quat q2)


  • float t: interpolation ratio.
  • Quat q1: the quaternion used in slerp operation.
  • Quat q2: the quaternion used in slerp operation.

Returns Quat:

the slerp quaternion result.

static squad

This method will perform spherical cubic interpolation between quaternions by ratio t.

Quat squad(float t, Quat q1, Quat q2, Quat q3)


  • float t: interpolation ratio.
  • Quat q1: the quaternion used in squad operation.
  • Quat q2: the quaternion used in squad operation.
  • Quat q3: the quaternion used in squad operation.

Returns Quat:

the squad quaternion result.

static lookRotation

Available since version: 0.2.1

This method will create a rotation based off specified forward and up vectors.

Quat lookRotation(Vec3 forward, Quat up)


  • Vec3 forward: the forward direction which object is looking at.
  • Quat up: the up direction.

Returns Quat:

the rotation in form of quaternion.