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class Vec3 (shared-side)

Available since version: 0.2

This class represents 3d vector.




No parameters.


Vec3(float value)


  • float value: the initial value for x, y, z components.


Vec3(float x, float y, float z)


  • float x: the initial value for x component.
  • float y: the initial value for y component.
  • float z: the initial value for z component.


float x

Represents the x component of the vector.

float y

Represents the y component of the vector.

float z

Represents the z component of the vector.



This method will return the vector length. The length of the vector is square root of (x*x + y*y + z*z).

float len()

Returns float:

the squared length of the vector.


This method will get the squared vector length. The length of the vector is (x*x + y*y + z*z). Calculating the squared length instead of the len is much faster.

float len2()

Returns float:

the length of the vector.


This method will get the approximate vector length. The length of the vector is approximation square root of (x*x + y*y + z*z). This method is faster than len but less accurate.

float lenApprox()

Returns float:

the length of the vector.


This method will get 3d distance between two vectors.

float distance(Vec3 vec)


  • Vec3 vec: the vector that will be used in distance calculation.

Returns float:

the 3d distance between vectors.


This method will get 2d distance between two vectors.

float distance2d(Vec3 vec)


  • Vec3 vec: the vector that will be used in distance calculation.

Returns float:

the 2d distance between vectors.



Avoid normalizing a vector with length = 0.

This method will normalize the vector. Normalizing a vector will cause it's length to be equal to 1. The direction of the vector won't be affected.

Vec3& normalize()

Returns Vec3&:


This method will normalize the vector. It works almost exactly the same as normalize
with the difference that zero length vector won't cause any issues.

Vec3& normalizeSafe()

Returns Vec3&:



Avoid normalizing a vector with length = 0.

This method will normalize the vector with small approximation. It works almost the same as normalize, but it's faster and less accurate. It uses the fast inverse square root algorithm as the base of calculating square root.

Vec3& normalizeApprox()

Returns Vec3&:


This method will set all of the vector components.

void set(float x, float y, float z)


  • float x: the new vector x component.
  • float y: the new vector y component.
  • float z: the new vector z component.


This method will return true if vectors are approximately the same. The minimal difference used for comparison is 0.001.

bool isEqualEps(Vec3 vec)


  • Vec3 vec: the vector that will be used in comparision.

Returns bool:

true if vectors are approximately the same, otherwise false.


This method will return vector with absolute x,y,z components.

Vec3 abs()

Returns Vec3:

the new vector result.


This method will return a reflected vector off normal plane.

Vec3 reflect(Vec3 normal)


  • Vec3 normal: the normal plane that defines a plane.

Returns Vec3:

the new vector result.

static swap

This method will swap x,y,z components between two vectors.

void swap(Vec3 vec1, Vec3 vec2)


  • Vec3 vec1: the vector that will be used in swap operation.
  • Vec3 vec2: the vector that will be used in swap operation.

static min

This method will return vector with the smallest x,y,z components from two vectors.

Vec3 min(Vec3 vec1, Vec3 vec2)


  • Vec3 vec1: the vector that will be used in min operation.
  • Vec3 vec2: the vector that will be used in min operation.

Returns Vec3:

the new vector result.

static max

This method will return vector with the largest x,y,z components from two vectors.

Vec3 max(Vec3 vec1, Vec3 vec2)


  • Vec3 vec1: the vector that will be used in max operation.
  • Vec3 vec2: the vector that will be used in max operation.

Returns Vec3:

the new vector result.

static prod

This method will multiply two vectors and return the result as a new vector.

Vec3 prod(Vec3 vec1, Vec3 vec2)


  • Vec3 vec1: the vector that will be used in prod operation.
  • Vec3 vec2: the vector that will be used in prod operation.

Returns Vec3:

the new vector result.

static dot

This method will return the dot product between two vectors. For normalized vectors dot returns: - 1 if they point in exactly the same direction - -1 if they point in completely opposite directions and a number in between for other cases (e.g. Dot returns zero if vectors are perpendicular). For vectors of arbitrary length the Dot return values are similar: they get larger when the angle between vectors decreases.

float dot(Vec3 vec1, Vec3 vec2)


  • Vec3 vec1: the vector that will be used in dot operation.
  • Vec3 vec2: the vector that will be used in dot operation.

Returns float:

the dot product.

static cross

This method will return the cross product between two vectors.
The cross product of two vectors results in a third vector which is perpendicular to the two input vectors.
The result's magnitude is equal to the magnitudes of the two inputs multiplied together and then multiplied by the sine of the angle between the inputs.

Vec3 cross(Vec3 vec1, Vec3 vec2)


  • Vec3 vec1: the vector that will be used in cross operation.
  • Vec3 vec2: the vector that will be used in cross operation.

Returns Vec3:

the vector cross product.

static lerp

This method will return interpolated vector between vectors a and b by ratio t.

Vec3 lerp(float t, Vec3 v1, Vec3 v2)


  • float t: interpolation ratio.
  • Vec3 v1: the vector used in lerp operation.
  • Vec3 v2: the vector used in lerp operation.

Returns Vec3:

the lerp vector result.