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constants Item (shared-side)

Name Description
ITEM_CAT_NONE Represents item flag for uncategorized items.
ITEM_CAT_NF Represents item flag for all melee weapons.
ITEM_CAT_FF Represents item flag for all ranged weapons.
ITEM_CAT_MUN Represents item flag for all types of ammunition.
ITEM_CAT_ARMOR Represents item flag for armors.
ITEM_CAT_FOOD Represents item flag for all food items.
ITEM_CAT_DOCS Represents item flag for all documents.
ITEM_CAT_POTION Represents item flag for all potions.
ITEM_CAT_LIGHT Represents item flag for all light sources (unused).
ITEM_CAT_RUNE Represents item flag for runes.
ITEM_CAT_MAGIC Represents item flag for magic items.
ITEM_FLAG_DAG Represents flag for weapons treated as daggers.
ITEM_FLAG_SWD Represents flag for weapons treated as swords.
ITEM_FLAG_AXE Represents flag for weapons treated as axes.
ITEM_FLAG_2HD_SWD Represents flag for weapons treated as two-handed swords.
ITEM_FLAG_2HD_AXE Represents flag for weapons treated as two-handed axes.
ITEM_FLAG_SHIELD Represents flag for weapons treated as shields.
ITEM_FLAG_BOW Represents flag for weapons treated as bows.
ITEM_FLAG_CROSSBOW Represents flag for weapons treated as crossbows.
ITEM_FLAG_RING Represents flag for items treated as rings.
ITEM_FLAG_AMULET Represents flag for items treated as amulets.
ITEM_FLAG_BELT Represents flag for items treated as belts.
ITEM_FLAG_DROPPED Represents flag for items that have been dropped (internal use).
ITEM_FLAG_MI Represents flag for mission items.
ITEM_FLAG_MULTI Represents flag for multi-item slots.
ITEM_FLAG_NFOCUS Represents flag for items to be ignored in focus (lighting swell).
ITEM_FLAG_CREATEAMMO Represents unused flag for weapons.
ITEM_FLAG_NSPLIT Represents flag for disabling the item splitting feature.
ITEM_FLAG_DRINK Represents flag for items that are drinks.
ITEM_FLAG_TORCH Represents flag for items treated as torches.
ITEM_FLAG_THROW Represents flag for items that can be thrown (unused).
ITEM_FLAG_ACTIVE Represents flag for items equipped in inventory.
ITEM_WEAR_NO Represents wear type for items that cannot be worn.
ITEM_WEAR_TORSO Represents wear type for items worn on the torso.
ITEM_WEAR_HEAD Represents wear type for items worn on the head.
ITEM_WEAR_LIGHT Represents unused wear type for items.