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constants NPC (shared-side)

Name Description
ATTACK_RUN Represents attack run type.
ATTACK_FORWARD Represents attack forward type.
ATTACK_LEFT Represents attack left type.
ATTACK_RIGHT Represents attack right type.
ACTION_CLEAR_QUEUE Represents action clear queue type.
ACTION_APPLY_OVERLAY Represents action apply overlay type.
ACTION_REMOVE_OVERLAY Represents action remove overlay type.
ACTION_PLAY_ANI Represents action play ani type.
ACTION_STOP_ANI Represents action stop ani type.
ACTION_EQUIP_ITEM Represents action equip item type.
ACTION_UNEQUIP_ITEM Represents action unequip item type.
ACTION_WEAPON_MODE Represents action change weapon mode type.
ACTION_DRAW_WEAPON Represents action draw weapon type.
ACTION_REMOVE_WEAPON Represents action remove weapon type.
ACTION_USE_ITEM Represents action use item type.
ACTION_USE_ITEM_TO_STATE Represents action use item to state type.
ACTION_READY_SPELL Represents action ready spell type.
ACTION_UNREADY_SPELL Represents action unready spell type.
ACTION_ATTACK_MELEE_WEAPON Represents action attack melee weapon type.
ACTION_ATTACK_RANGED_WEAPON Represents action attack ranged weapon type.
ACTION_SPELL_CAST Represents action spell cast type.
ACTION_USE_MOB_SCHEME Represents action use mob scheme type.
ACTION_SHOOT_AT Represents action shoot at type.
ACTION_START_AIM_AT Represents action start aim at type.
ACTION_STOP_AIM_AT Represents action stop aim at type.
ACTION_SCRIPT Represents action script type.